By popular vote Ebba Busch (KD) wins the: Most Provocative Political Performance 2018-2022
Followed by a close second place for Jimmie Åkesson (SD), 27 votes, and a little trailing Ulf Kristersson (M), 21 votes, Tobias Andersson (SD) takes an honourable 4th place with 17 votes.
The KVADRENNALEN buttons have arrived! The buttons are however not for sale… you can get a button when you like the KVADRENNALEN FB page and promise to wear the button in plane sight… nothing is really “free” is it?
The first batches can be found at: – Härnösand KKV, May 19th – Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, May 25th – Röda Sten, Göteborg, May 28th
KVADRENNALEN is all about decentralised ownership. Setting up one big, centralised opening in e.g. Stockholm, in an art space that is specific for e.g. one discipline just doesn’t make sense.
Instead, the KVADRENNALEN opening: will be multiple openings on the same day – January 11th, the first day that the Swedish Parliament starts working again after the New Year’s break – organised by multiple KVADRENNALEN organisers across the disciplines, across the levels, across the country.
Be sure to look out for the invitations coming your way! Or check them out in the Calendar. WELCOME!
A short piece about KVADRENNALEN will air tonight on Kulturnyheterna at 18:15 on SVT1 and SVT Play. The longer piece from the article (click to go to SVT) will air tomorrow morning on SVT Morgonstudion. Check it out and spread the news!
Missed the #KVADRENNALEN talk yesterday at #Supermarketartfair21? No problem, check out the KVADRENNALEN youtube channel. In 30 minutes you’ll hear the entire vision, set-up and idea behind KVADRENNALEN.
Feel free to share with everyone you know that believes free artistic expression is essential for society!
KVADRENNALEN needs every artist, curator, art space director, art worker, art enthusiast – across all the disciplines! – to change the existing perception that the art community is divided – we are not! we have always been united in our belief in art! – and stand up for this shared belief in the essential place of the free arts in society.
It doesn’t make sense to discard great ideas or proposals, that take a little longer to formulate, because the deadline has passed. That’s not what KVADRENNALEN is about.
Right now, KVADRENNALEN is processing all the proposals that came in before the initial deadline! Thank you all who have already submitted!
After the summer KVADRENNALEN will launch several more open calls, so stay tuned for that already!
In the mean time, Open Call #1 will stay open with the broadest and biggest possible challenge : WHAT ARTISTIC RESPONSES CAN YOU COME UP WITH IN THE FACE OF POPULIST THREATS TO FREE ARTS?