
ARTicle, Supermarket Art Fair Magazine #12

Check out the great interview with Thierry Mortier by Alice Máselníková for Issue #12 of Supermarket Art Fair Magazine, 2022

KVADRENNALEN, Let the art world unite (ENG)


Talk @ Supermarket Art Fair

Missed the #KVADRENNALEN talk yesterday at #Supermarketartfair21? No problem, check out the KVADRENNALEN youtube channel. In 30 minutes you’ll hear the entire vision, set-up and idea behind KVADRENNALEN.

Feel free to share with everyone you know that believes free artistic expression is essential for society!

KVADRENNALEN needs every artist, curator, art space director, art worker, art enthusiast – across all the disciplines! – to change the existing perception that the art community is divided – we are not! we have always been united in our belief in art! – and stand up for this shared belief in the essential place of the free arts in society.